1.如果不知道真正想要刺什麼,就先不要刺,因為你一定會後悔(1.If you don't know what you really want, don't get wattooed. because it will onely b a matter of time before you will regret it) 2.請謹慎挑選刺青師與刺青店(2:Pick the shop and your artist care fully. 3.慢慢地與刺青師討論你的刺青設計,並作預算控制(3:Take your time with picking your design and set up your budge accordingly. 4.不要跟刺青師討價還價,這是很失禮的事情(4.Do not start bargaining in the tattoo shop! It's DISRESPECTFUL!) 5.刺青是昂貴的,如果還沒有能力,請不要刺 (5.Tattooing is a luxury.If you cannot afford it,don't do it.) 6.刺青是一分錢一分貨(6.Cheap tattoos are not good.Good tattoo are not cheap.)